
Identify new suppliers and realise your projects (free of charge registration)!

January 21st & 22nd 2025
Agora Agen
RNTF becomes Sloww!
Why? How?
Arles Congress Center
Discover the 2020 participants' list
  • National planning & development actors
  • Tourism actors
  • Innovation actors
  • Contractors
  • Suppliers & start-ups

Sloww! is an opportunity to identify new innovations and skills and to increase your network.

  • Networking lunch
  • Leads scan
  • Friend Meetings Zone
  • Post-event follow-up

More info


River tourism players will share their success stories, challenges and how they see opportunities for growth. Attend the workshops to get a glimpse of the sector’s future!

Conferences & Workshops

4 villages

SLOWW! is changing to respond to the issues of the business sector. 4 thematic villages will gather the river tourism & its surroundings’ ecosystem.

River tourism & its surroundings

Create new original touristic products ?

  • Accommodation with bike rental
  • Bike hiking
  • Bike journey organisation
  • Bike rental
  • Boat available for private booking
  • Boat rental with licence
  • Boat rental without licence
  • Bus-boat
  • Cruise boat
  • Cycling rental companies
  • Floating disco
  • Floating museum
  • Floating restaurant
  • Horse hiking
  • Hotel barge
  • Other river rentals
  • Other river transport
  • River boat
  • River cruise
  • River liner
  • River shuttle
  • Trail
  • Trek, pedestrian hiking

France Destination

Are you looking for new touristic products the length of the waterways?

Meet the tourist information office, local, regional tourism committee…

  • Amusement Park
  • Camping
  • Historic Monument
  • Hotel
  • Leisure accommodation
  • Leisure Park
  • Museum
  • Production and organisation of excursions and holidays
  • Restaurant
  • Safari Park
  • Unusual lodgings
  • Water sports
  • Water-based leisure center

Innovations Lab

Meet the startups offering their technologies such as applications….

  • Application
  • High Tech
  • Immersive journeys
  • Immersive solutions
  • Innovative / Unusual accommodation
  • Intelligent equipments / furnitures
  • Platform
  • Services
  • Sports & Nature activities
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Sustainable transport

National planning & development

Are you looking for planning solutions on the following topics :

  • Equipments to increase the use of bike
  • Equipments manufacturer
  • Urban and port equipments
  • Landscape gardener
  • Traveling service providers
  • Services
  • Reception area

They talk about it

“River tourism faces many challenges. This event is a rare opportunity to meet with all the players in this professional ecosystem and to discuss their approaches and the solutions they have implemented.”

River tourism operator

“The conferences were very inspiring and open up new perspectives. The diversity of testimonies and speakers was very enriching.”

A local authority

“In a short period of time, I was able to make about 10 useful and promising contacts. The quality of the participants, and the assistance provided for the meetings, contributed well to the profitability of our participation.”

A service provider

“This event is a unique opportunity to meet operators, to better understand their expectations, and to assess the interest they may have in our territory.”

A tourist office

“I have just launched an accommodation solution that is well suited to roaming along the canals. This meeting enabled me to quickly gain notoriety, with investors or prescribers.”

A startup

Venue & Travel

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How to travel to Sloww!? Are you traveling by car, train, flight... click here to find more information.

Organised by

In partnership with

Cluster Eau & Climat, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF

In partnership with

Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF
Conseil Départemental du Lot-et-Garonne, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF
Agglomération Agen, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF
Destination Agen, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF
Agen Agora, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF
Association des Communes du Canal des Deux-Mers, partenaire de Sloww! 2025 par VNF